... for the implementation of sound, long-term tax policies that promote the global competitiveness of the U.S. high technology industry.

Member Profile

Brian Farrell

Head of Tax;




+353864107657 OFFICE


B.B.S. Accounting and Finance University of Limerick

Professional Organizations

ACA Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland, ITI Institute of Tax Ireland


Big 4 International tax roles — Director in KPMG and Deloitte. Worked in Linkedin’s tax team. Current responsibilities include management of the worldwide tax function for Indeed.


124 St Stephen’s Green

Dublin 2, Ireland

Company Profile

As the world’s #1 job site, with over 300 million unique visitors every month from over 60 different countries, Indeed has become the catalyst for putting the world to work. Indeed helps companies of all sizes hire the best talent and offers the best opportunity for job seekers to get hired.